Erasing eczema quickly and easily



A simple remedy

Dr. Makise has also treated hundreds of patients suffering from eczema (officially called atopic dermatitis), with stunning results. Rather than follow-ing the mainstream protocol of cortisone ointment—which lose power, and can cause unpleasant side effects—he takes the “inside out” approach, with a shell ginger twist.

For years he treated people with a focused mix of vitamins, minerals, and herbs, which was effective, “but not perfect.” Then in June 2009, he started adding shell ginger into the regimen for more than one hundred patients— and he saw better results almost right away. 

One reason for shell ginger’s success here, believes Dr. Makise, is its detox-ification effect. Many patients starting on shell ginger notice an immediate improvement in their bowel movements—and that’s essential for detoxification. 

“Be careful when you take the supplement of shell ginger,” says Dr. Makise, “because 60—70% of the patients may suffer from some aggravation of symptoms temporarily. And some may suffer from diarrhea. This is due to the detoxification effect of shell ginger, and do not worry. Reduce the dose and gradually increase.”



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